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Lloydminster Gen Web is part of the Saskatchewan Gen Web Project which in turn is a part of the Canada Gen Web Project.  There had been thousands and thousands of webpages with resources transcribed or photographed and uploaded to the internet on the Lloydminster Gen Web Rootsweb pages https://sites.rootsweb.com/~sklloydm/ which are back online, and restored!!!.  From cemeteries, to public domain books and historical maps, ancestral biographies, family trees, and much, much more. Thank you for your patience in waiting for the restoration.

Thank you kindly for the hours of dedicated work put into the web pages by the Lloydminster Gen Web volunteers, and those who had submitted information, pictures and resources to Lloydminster gen web on Ancestry/rootsweb your interest and dedication was simply amazing and appreciated by so many!  

Lloydminster Gen Web had begun to re-establish a presence during the internet crash to provide genealogical resources The volunteers at Lloydminster Gen Web echo the words of Winston Churchill, A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.  We hope you enjoyed the  new formatting and look as Lloydminster Gen Web came back online here temporarily at https://lloydminstergenweb.site123.me/